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Magazines hold rounds.

Here is an example magazine:

AddAmmo = Magazine
	InstanceName = Magazine Pistol
	Mass = 1 // kg
	HitsMOs = 0
	GetsHitByMOs = 0
	SpriteFile = ContentFile
		FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/Pistols/MagPistol.bmp
	FrameCount = 1
	SpriteOffset = Vector
		X = -3
		Y = -3
	EntryWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal
	ExitWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal
	AtomGroup = AtomGroup
		AutoGenerate = 1
		Material = Material
			CopyOf = Military Stuff
		Resolution = 2
		Depth = 0
	DeepGroup = AtomGroup
		AutoGenerate = 1
		Material = Material
			CopyOf = Military Stuff
		Resolution = 3
		Depth = 1
	DeepCheck = 1
	JointStrength = 200
	JointStiffness = 1
	JointOffset = Vector
		X = 0
		Y = -3
	DrawAfterParent = 0
	RoundCount = 11
	RTTRatio = 0
	RegularRound = Round
		CopyOf = Round SMG
	TracerRound = None

The Explanation

Now we will break it down variable by variable. Also see; rounds and tracers

AddAmmo = Magazine // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a Magazine.

	InstanceName = Magazine Pistol // The name used to refer to the instance later.

	Mass = 1 // The mass in kg for example; 0.01 would be 10g, 0.1 would be 100g and 1 would be 1kg.

	HitsMOs = 0 // Boolean value that determines if this particle can hit by other particles.

	GetsHitByMOs = 0 // Boolean value that determines if this particle can hit by other particles.

	SpriteFile = ContentFile
		FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/Pistols/MagPistol.bmp // Tells The Magazine to use the sprite specified.

	FrameCount = 1 // How many frames to use.

	SpriteOffset = Vector
		X = -3
		Y = -3

	EntryWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal // The emitter to use for where the bullet enters the weapon.

	ExitWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal // The emitter to use for where the bullet exits the weapon.

	AtomGroup = AtomGroup //

		AutoGenerate = 1 //

		Material = Material // Defines the material that the round will be made up of.

			CopyOf = Military Stuff // Reference to the material you want the round to be made of.

		Resolution = 4 // 

		Depth = 0 //

	DeepGroup = AtomGroup //

		AutoGenerate = 1
		Material = Material
			CopyOf = Military Stuff
		Resolution = 4
		Depth = 10

	DeepCheck = 1 //

	JointStrength = 200 // How much force is required to be slung out of your grip.

	JointStiffness = 1 // How much force is required to move the joint.

	JointOffset = Vector
		X = 0
		Y = -3

	DrawAfterParent = 0 // Boolean value that determines if it is drawn in front of the parent a.k.a weapon(1) or not (0).

	RoundCount = 11  // How many rounds are in the magazine.

	RTTRatio = 0 // RoundToTracerRatio, how many rounds:tracers.

	RegularRound = Round
		CopyOf = Round SMG // Defines which round instance to use as the regular round.

	TracerRound = Round
		CopyOf = Round SMG // Defines which round instance to use as the tracer round.
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