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The web reporter LiZongZe report, China and the Philippines

The web reporter LiZongZe report , China and the Philippines in the south China sea HuangYanDao waters of the standoff continues. The Philippines on one hand actively seeking for external support, including the United States, and continue to ignore the Chinese sovereignty to the south of the facts and hope that through diplomatic solution efforts, even in turn accused China sent the ship to protect fishermen territorial sovereignty interests and the measures "rude", is "to the situation on the fire add oil".

According to the Philippines "abs-cbnnews" web site May 3 days to report, the Philippine military, according to a spokesman for the China sea in HuangYanDao sent four ships, 10 fishing boat dimention ship. Chinese fishermen from the sea salvage from huge clams clams and coral. "They this is in further insulting", "and what we can do is to seek diplomacy".

The spokesman later commented, the Chinese side to do so is to "test" FeiFang such small country how to combat powerful China.

According to media reports, the Philippines in the Shouting "seek for diplomacy, peaceful means" the settlement of disputes at the same time, but actively to buy more from the United States military equipment. The Philippines foreign minister del rosario, demands that the United States 2 , provide more weapons and equipment , such as patrol, aircraft and radar systems. He also stressed that the Philippines need in this area have a strong ally, therefore the United States in the Philippines strategic investment is necessary.

And on May 3, in the regular news conference , Chinese foreign ministry spokesman a. i. tauber ed. said again , through diplomatic means to resolve the situation. A. i. tauber ed. first of all that , about HuangYanDao event, China has already abundantly clear position. The event is FeiFang infringe upon China's sovereignty, XiRao Chinese fishing vessel caused by fishermen. He also expressed hope that with the Chinese FeiFang joint efforts from both sides, through diplomatic means to solve the present situation in, not constantly speech or take little things make the utterance and complication, internationalization. On the south China sea, the Chinese side with related parties to through direct negotiations and the relevant disputes settled through friendly consultations.

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